Can Dogs Eat Cherries?

So you’re on the couch, enjoying a handful of cherries, and your furry friend gives you those irresistible puppy-dog eyes. You’re left wondering, “Can my pooch join me in my love of cherries?” Well, you’re not alone in pondering.

We’ve all had assumptions that if we humans relish something, our pets might too. But before you toss a juicy cherry in your dog’s direction, let’s talk cherries and dogs.

Sure, cherries can be fine for dogs, but it’s a conditional friendship! Think of cherries as the playground bully – harmless if you play by their rules! This means only unprocessed cherries, without pits, stones, stems, and leaves. Only that kind gets the seal of approval!

Brimming with vitamins A and C, fiber, antioxidants, and some good old melatonin, rightly used, cherries can, however, bring serious goodness into your fur buddy’s diet.

The Danger of Cherry Pits and Stems

Let’s peek under the cherry’s glamorous facade. The pits and stems of cherries come bristling with cyanide, the green-eyed monster no pet owner ever wants to cross. It’s vital you know that these parts of the cherry will seriously harm your dog. 

Cherry Pits

So, cherry pits – what’s the big deal? Firstly, it’s not just about cyanide toxicity, which varies depending on how much was served, how your dog dealt with it, and its size.

The primary concern with cherry pits is obstruction. If a dog swallows a cherry pit, it can be a choking hazard or cause an intestinal obstruction. 

Intestinal obstructions are a serious medical condition that may require surgery to remove the foreign object and can be potentially life-threatening.

Cherry Stems

Stems, along with leaves, contain cyanogenic glycosides (cyanide compounds), although at lower concentrations compared to the cherry pits, so it’s still essential to keep stems firmly off the menu!

It is critical to ensure dogs do not have access to cherries with pits, stems, and leaves. Feeding them whole cherries increases the risk of cyanide poisoning and physical obstructions.

Symptoms of Cyanide Poisoning

Heavy Breathing

The first thing you might notice is your pooch having heavy breathing. Then you may see bright red gums and over-the-top dilated pupils. 

These come about because cyanide messes with your pet’s oxygen supply – not a situation any of us want for our fur pal.

Drooling And Vomiting

Drooling may also be a feature. Lots of it. It’s like your pooch turned into a waterfall. Your dog’s body is throwing a fit, trying to chuck out the cyanide. Vomiting might also occur, all in an attempt to expel the cyanide.

Neurological Effects

Then we move to the spooky part – the neurological effects. Brace yourselves. A sudden plunge in blood pressure, a dip in body temperature leading to weakness, and a lethargy so intense your pooch could collapse. And in extreme cases your bundle of love may even have seizures.

Cherries Flesh: Nutritional Value and Benefits

So long as you feed your pet properly and avoid the dangerous parts of the cherry, there can be real health benefits.

If you remove the pit, stems, and leaves, the cherry flesh that remains is good for a healthy pooch.


Now, the juicy stuff – why should you bother slicing and dicing? Well, because cherry flesh is packed full of goodies for your dog. 

One of the most significant components of cherries is their fiber content. This aids digestion and boosts the dog’s good gut bacteria. This can contribute to a healthier digestive system in dogs, making it more comfortable for them to process their food. 


Then, we’ve got the antioxidants. Think of them as the superheroes of your dog’s body, swooping in to save the cells from evil free radicals. With cherries, your pooch’s immune defense becomes stronger and it also improves its eye health.

Vitamins and Minerals

Cue the spotlight for vitamins C and A. Vitamin C wears multiple hats. It supports a healthy immune system and keeps your dog’s skin, joints, and connective tissues robust. Vitamin A pulls a double shift, too, by promoting healthy eyesight and growth.

And, of course, there’s potassium and magnesium! Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining a proper balance of fluids in a dog’s body, supporting healthy nerve and muscle function. 

Magnesium is also essential for regulating heart function, muscle and nerve function, and maintaining strong bones and teeth.

With everything cherry flesh brings, it can be a nutritious, lip-smacking treat for your fur buddy. 

Remember though, only serve cherries by removing the dangerous bits – the pits, stems, and leaves. With cherry flesh, it’s a feast without fear! 

Sugar Content of Cherries

Ah, cherries! Sweet, succulent, and lip-smacking! But before you pass them to your fur friend like a candy, hit the brakes and watch out for the sugar meter, which can mean risky business for your pooch.

Tempting as it might be to share your cherry-loaded delight with your beloved canine chum, remember this – every cherry is a sugar party, and too many cherries can fatten up your pooch, causing health issues like diabetes and obesity.

Also, these health issues can kickstart other problems like joint problems that might stop your pooch from doing the wiggle-walk they love!

And while it’s true that cherries come with sugar packed, they also carry good-for-you nutrients. The trick? Serve them as a treat, not a treat feast. Careful preparation is key, and being observant of how many cherry delights your pooch gets is essential. 

Alternatives to Cherries for Dogs

If you’re after an alternative to cherries, there’s a whole orchard of safe and healthy fruits out there for your canine companion to enjoy. In this section we’ll look at some of the top contenders. 


These tiny fellows are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber – a micro blast of goodness that your dog will absolutely love! Serving them is as easy as one, two, or three – no need for a battle to remove seeds or pits.


Watermelon, minus the rind and seeds, is another top contender for the title of ‘your dog’s favorite fruit’. Especially on a hot day, a piece of this hydrating fruit is the best! Plus, it’s packed with vitamins A, B6, and C and is a delicious low-calorie treat.

More Fruits to Consider

Need more fruity options for your pup? We’ve got a list of fruits that make great doggy desserts. Apples are a hit, but just be sure to skip the seeds.

Bananas are fine too, but don’t go bananas or you’ll deal with a messy situation!

Cantaloupe is also a safe bet, as is mango—but ditch the pit. Pears are good as well, but, as ever, just remember to remove the seeds. Pineapple’s cool, but keep the skin away from the dog bowl! 

And raspberries? Sure, but don’t let it turn into a berry overload.

Remember, while these fruits get the green light, moderation is the secret. Too much fruit and your fur buddy’s digestive system could hit a hiccup. 

And hey, let’s not forget – high-quality dog food should always be the main course in your fur friend’s diet. Fruits are just the garnish. So let your dog enjoy their fruity adventure, but don’t make it the main component of their diet. 

The ‘Cherry on Top’ Dog FAQs

Are Cherries Safe For Dogs?

Not entirely. It’s the pits, stems, and leaves you need to avoid. They’re likely to cause cyanide poisoning. The cherry flesh isn’t toxic though, and is full of goodness. But beware – too much sugar can trigger a tummy tantrum in your dog.

Are Cherry Pits Dog’s Kryptonite?

Absolutely! Besides throwing cyanide at your fur buddy, cherry pits might call for a choking hazard or a gastrointestinal blockade. It’s a definite ‘no-chow-zone’ for dogs.

Cherry Yogurt – A Dog Treat?

Hmm, cherry yogurt and dogs…not something we’d root for because of its high sugar and artificial sweetener content, especially that sneaky xylitol. It’s toxic for our canine companions. 

Can Dogs Have a Cherry Tomato Treat?

Cherry tomatoes? Sure, in small portions and minus the green parts (stems and leaves). Those are the party poopers packed with solanine, which is toxic to dogs. The ripe fruit, in moderation, is a safe bet.

Are Maraschino Cherries a Dog’s Best Friend?

Sorry to pop the cherry, but maraschino cherries and dogs don’t mix well. Packed with sugar and often dyed and spiced, it’s not on the menu for doggie dinners. Stick to a fresh, clean cherry with no pit, stem or leaf.

My Dog Sneaked Some Cherries. What Now?

A small cherry heist by your pooch could mean a sugar overload and an upset stomach. But if they’ve managed to snack on some pits, stems, or leaves you might be dealing with cyanide poisoning! Look for weaknesses, breathing troubles, and seizures, and call your vet.

Wrapping Up: Dogs & Cherries

  • Cherries can be a safe and nutritious treat for dogs when properly prepared and given in moderation.
  • Always remove pits, stems, and leaves from cherries to prevent cyanide poisoning in dogs.
  • Consider offering alternative fruits, such as blueberries, if you are concerned about the sugar content or potential hazards of cherries.
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